Life and Transition Coaching

Our time on earth is filled with multiple transitions and many inflection points.  We will find ourselves at multiple crossroads, and thresholds, where we realize we have outgrown our prior life and the self who lived it, yet are uncertain about what awaits beyond this present state.  

We sense that we, like the snake, must shed our skin for the sake of the larger life that awaits us.  Often these thresholds are frightening and/or painful yet they are an invitation to grow both spiritually and psychologically.   We are called to deepen our root system for the sake of our individual and collective destiny.  

Nancy is an experienced guide and midwife for this particularly individual and bittersweet journey.  She has worked with individuals, from eighteen to eighty, on a variety of growth challenges that accompany life transitions or other transformative life events. 

 Sample Offerings

  • Vision, Values, and Purpose Discovery

    Hear your deep wisdom and inner navigational system through Essential Conversations™, a multimedia exploratory visioning/listening process.

  • Get Unstuck

    Transform inertia, resistance, and stuckness into exciting, compelling, and effective action.

  • Conflict: the Gateway to Creativity

    Learn how to manage your inner/outer conflicts and ambivalences while leveraging the possibilities and potentialities they hold.

  • Shape your Envisioned Future

    Increase joy and well-being and reduce struggle by transforming life’s setbacks and negative situations into opportunities that move you closer to your intended future.

  • Master Real Conversations*

    (*The ones you don’t want to have)

    Hone the skills for having uncomfortable yet real and important conversations, both with others and yourself. This way of being ushers in deeper engagement, real connection, and flourishing.

  • Cultivate Joy

    Grow grounded faith and trust in yourself so that you can cultivate a friendship with delight and joy, even in the face of the loss and grief that attends every human life.

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